Charters & Trips

Hobie and Friends Fishing Charters

When Hobie plans a trip, he does it here. If you received this link from him or a friend, find the dates below. Check back here to see where he's going, and how to join. 

This is  private planning page. 


Dec 20th: Third Annual Holiday Crab and Cod Combo!   Happy Hooker, Berkeley, $250

Offshore Deep-Water Fishing and Crab


OCT 5th: Second Annual Hobie Memorial Tuna Madness! 3.5 Day.   Ranger 85, San Diego, $1375 ($685 deposit)

Target Tuna, Yellowtail, Dorado, and other OFFSHORE game fish. Mexican Fishing Permits and Meals included. Open Ocean Endorsement required. Passport NOT required.                                                                     



July 4th: Fourth Annual Freedom Fishing on the Fourth! TBD, Oxnard or Berkeley, $200-900

Planning now.


May TBD: Inshore Half Day, Velocity, Santa Cruz, $69

Will be in Santa Cruz for personal business, taking a half day while out there.

Rockfish and Lingcod

RSVP: Text me

April 5th Inshore Halibut & Striper, Happy Hooker, Berkeley, $200

Halibut and Striped Bass in the bay. Inshore, maybe coastal north.

As of March 6th, 2025 there are 11/18 seats remaning.

Register Here


Dec 7th: Second Annual Holiday Crab and Rockfish Combo!   Happy Hooker, Berkeley, $250

Offshore Deep-Water Fishing and Crab


Oct 16th: First Annual Hobie Memorial ,   Condor, San Diego $750

Tuna and pelagics

Report | Pictures

Aug 17th: Coastal Rockfish 1/2 Day,   Velocity, Santa Cruz $69

Will be in Aptos for personal business and taking a half day while there.  


July 4th: Third Annual, Freedom Fishing on the Fourth,   Happy Hooker, Berkeley $200

Live Bait Halibut/Striped Bass and/or Rockfish/Lingcod


Feb 24th: Hobie's Bday Trout Bash! 1/2 Day PM,   Hawk II, South Lake Tahoe





Dec 3rd: Crab / Offshore Combo,   California Dawn II, Berkeley (moved from 12/1)


Nov 7th: Crab / Offshore Combo,   California Dawn II, Berkeley 

Postponed due to weather.

July 4th: Deep Sea Bottom Fishing / Tuna Trolling,   Pacific Dream, Berkeley


June 27th: Inshore Coastal Rockfish,   Velocity, Santa Cruz

Cancelled due to low tickets

May 18th: Deep Water turned Halibut,   Pacific Dream, Berkeley


What to Bring on a Charter Fishing Boat:

Day Trips:

Reservation: Bring confirmation of your booking, payment, or reservation.

ID & Fishing License: Required for everyone. Get any necessary endorsements (e.g., crab trap or sturgeon stamp). 

Motion Sickness Meds: Bonine is great. Take one at bedtime and another an hour before boarding if you’re prone. If you are REALLY prone, talk to your doctor about the patch. 

Clothing: COLD: Dress in layers, with waterproof outerwear. Top: Thermal shirt, sun shirt, hoodie, rain shell. Bottom: Thermal pants, non-cotton pants, rubber bib. Extras: Hat, face gaiter, waterproof boots, gloves, sunglasses. HOT: Lighter attire like a sun shirt, hat, and non-slip shoes.

Cash: Bring cash for tips (15-20% of ticket cost), rental gear ($10-30), tackle ($5-10), and fish processing fees (usually $10-50). Some boats take Venmo, but all accept cash.

Sunscreen: Ocean rays are harsh. I’ll have high-quality sunscreen if needed.

Water & Snacks: Bring enough for the day. Avoid food that might upset your stomach (trust me on this). Cliff bars, sandwiches, and jerky are solid choices.

Cooler: No wheeled coolers on board. Small cooler for lunch; bigger one in the car for your catch.

Fishing Gear: Rental gear is available on the boat or at the landing, bring your own if you prefer.

Dry Storage: Protect valuables with a Ziplock bag or dry bag.

Ear Plugs / Headphones: Handy for the ride out and back especially on long trips.

Multi-Day Trips:

Multi-day trips require more thoughtful packing. Each will have specific recommendations. The Bloody Decks forum is an excellent resource for detailed lists and tips. Join BD and start planning after booking to ensure you’re prepared. For any overnight or longer trip, a dedicated page will be available for planning. 

These are a great starting place:

Long Range Fishing Checklist: Preparing for Your First Trip

Long Range Checklist: Rod and Reel Setups

Cash Expectations


Trip Information:

Here is some basic info on commonly asked questions about the Charters in the Bay Area

Parking: Happy Hooker / Pacific Dream / California Dawn I & II: Park at Berkeley Marina, K Dock. It is free and I've never had any issues. As always, leave NOTHING in your car and lock it etc.. 

Velocity (Santa Cruz): Paid parking, machines are available all over. Dock F, 789 Mariner Parkway 

Bathrooms: All ocean going charters have a head. Velocity, Happy Hooker, and California Dawn fleet boats all have private flushing sit down toilets. These are fully functional toilets but they are small and it legit feels like you are pooping on mushrooms in this tiny ass room. Bring Imodium / Pepto if you are concerned. There is stall bathroom at the gate of Berkeley Marina.

Galley / Food: The galley is the café / kitchen of the boat. Hot food and cold drinks are really really nice sometimes. Just remember anything in, comes out.. see above.. The California Dawn I & II both have full galleys onboard. Happy Hooker and Pacific Dream do not have a galley in operation. Velocity (Santa Cruz) has a limited galley of hot dogs.

Rental Gear: Any boat you take, you will rent gear on the boat. Generally, its rather nice gear, think a Phenix Axis weighted for the trip paired with a Penn fathom or Shimano TLD reel. You can also get very low end gear such as an Ugly Stick with a Penn Senator. Anything the boat hands you will catch fish. Trust the boat. This gear ranges from $10 to $30 based on the nature of the trip.

I don't know how to fish: Charter boats are wonderful places to learn and grow skills. There will always be a Deckhand or two on the boat available to help you. Deckhands are friendly and knowledgeable and there to help you: ready your rod and tie terminal tackle, bait hooks, cast or drop for you, get your fish out of the water and into the boat, process / gut and gill / fillet your fish. They work for tips. I am also happy to help however you need. 

What is a Deckhand: Deckhands are the hands on the deck of the boat and a newbies best friend. They are given orders from the captain to aid in mooring and anchoring and assisting however is needed. They are also here to help you with anything you may need. Baiting hooks, tying line and tackle, netting / gaffing your fish, etc.. They are NOT here to get you drinks or food from the galley and they are not to be disrespected. Tip them 15-20% as a standard, anything above is welcomed

Tipping: Deckhands work for tips and that is typically 15-20% of the ticket cost. Tips get split between deckhands if there are multiple deckhands onboard, one tip for the crew is the expectation. Cash is king here, some deckhands use Venmo or cash app but on boats where there is more than one, its best to put the cash in the jar. Galley workers have their own tip jar and that's regular service-based tipping of whatever you feel is good. I toss a few bucks in there if I use the galley. 

How to Fillet: The deckhands / landing will always fillet your fish for you on day trips. Deckhands typically have a per bag or per fish rate ranging from a few bucks for a few fish to $20-40 for bigger fish. Rock fish is usually a flat fee of $20-35 per bag and the bigger fish are something like $7-12 a fish. Venmo and Cash app are used often as this is not part of the tip. Nothing beats cash. For CRAB, the bait shop will process your catch for a fee. They are in the parking lot next to Hana.

How many fish can I catch: On the boats mentioned above, you will be fishing for: crab, rockfish, ling cod, halibut, striped bass, sharks, salmon (when legal), sturgeon, and the occasional tuna. Each fish has its own limits and restrictions. Rockfish: 10x with sub bag limits for specific species. Ling cod: 2x over 22 inches. Halibut: 2-3x depending on current regulations over 22 inches. Salmon: CLOSED for 2023/24 season. Striped Bass: 2x over 18 inches. Shark: 3x over 36 inches. Sturgeon: 1x WHITE sturgeon only, between 40 inches and 60 inches. Report card required. Dungeness Crab: 10x over 5.75 inches. Crab Endorsement Required. 


Licensing: You need a California Fishing License to fish the ocean. Get one here: 

If you are going crab combo fishing you will need the crab endorsement, if sturgeon fishing, the sturgeon endorsement. 

How much fish am I bringing home: Typically, you fill most of your limit on a charter boat. For Ground fish, you generally come home with 10x rock fish and up to 2 Ling cod. Rockfish are between 3 and 10lb each and Ling cod can get up to 30lb each. Make sure you have the ability to process and store the meat once home. I vacuum seal and label EVERYTHING I catch, either same day or the next day, and throw it all into the freezer for one week. Freeze at -4^ for a week due to the FDA suggestions for treating parasites. Not a requirement if you are eating fresh and cooked. If you plan on eating any of your catches that are wild caught as RAW meals, follow the FDA guidelines. Plan on bringing home at least 10lb and up to 40lb or so. My tuna trip left me with 101lb in the cooler. YMMV. 

Gear Suggestions:

I prefer lighter tackle, so I bring the following to the Bay Area:

Med Light Casting: Phenix Axis ML rod and Shimano Torium 16 reel with 40lb Depth Hunter braid.

Slow Pitch Jigging:  Temple Reef Element E2 rod and Penn Fathom II 2 speed reel with 20lb Diawa J-BRAID x8 metered braid.

Med Heavy Meat Stick / Descender: Penn Slammer and Penn Senator 4/0 reel with 65lb Depth Hunter braid.

*Farallon trips when tuna is flowing: Lamiglas Insane 50-100lb rod and Penn Master Mariner Newell Kitted Reel with 100lb metered braid.

These three combos will catch nearly any fish, on any Bay Area charter boat.

Tackle for these trips can be found online at Pitbull Tackle and locally at the Fisherman's Warehouse. You really don't need much. I bring an OTI Jig Bag with all my SPJ lures, several rigs and Farallon Feathers in various sizes and colors, and hooks. The boat will have all the weights you will need, and you can buy / rent them easily.

Multi Day Pelagic Trips:

You will rent gear from the Landing or Boat based on their suggestions. 

Plan on approximately three combos:

Heavy 100lb setup for Night Jigging,

30-40lb Flyline / Live Bait,

50-60lb Flyline / Live Bait.

Current Regulations:

2025 DFG regulations:

Ground fish SEASON CLOSED:

Northern, Mendocino, San Francisco and Central GMA North of 36º N. Latitude:

Apr. 1 – Apr. 30: 50 fathoms offshore only fishery (300+ feet Deep only)

May 1 – Sept. 30: 20 fathoms inshore fishery (120 feet or less only)

Oct. 1 – Oct. 31: 50 fathoms offshore only fishery (300+ feet Deep only)

Nov. 1 – Nov. 30: 20 fathoms inshore only fishery (120 feet or less only)

Dec. 1 – Dec. 31: 50 fathoms offshore only fishery (300+ feet Deep only)

Slow Pitch Jigging Explained:

Deep Drop Rockfishing:

Speed Jigging Seminar

30lb Outfit for Large Tuna

How To Make a Deep Drop Rig

How To Fly Line

San Diego Jam Knot

I Need to Catch a Giant Bluefin Tuna.

FG Knot

RP Knot / Modified Albright

Other Things of Note:


Some boats allow you to bring your own alcohol, but it may have to be in cans, others may allow glass, some may not allow you to bring any whatsoever. Beer vs Hard Liquor? Can I tip the captain a bottle of something nice? Check with the boat on their webpage or call them directly and ask. I don't drink so I have no idea, nor will I ask for you. Beer in cans is generally ok.

Marijuana +:

Charter boats are under Federal Regulations, so Marijuana is ALWAYS a NO on boats. You CANNOT light a joint / pipe on the boat at any time. If you must, smoke as much as you can on land, at the dock, in the marina. You may be sneaky enough to use a vape, but do NOT disrespect the Captain. Do not advertise your use on the boat. If the coast guard shows up, you will be in shitty waters. Should be super obvious, but mushrooms and psychedelics and boat rides like this don't mix well. If you are trying to blast off, these are NOT the trips for you. 


Cigarettes / eCigs and cigars are generally allowed but be considerate to those around you. 


If you bring a Bluetooth speaker and turn it on for any reason, I will likely kill you. 

Be mindful of the space you take on boats. 


A Shout Out to my Grandpa Hobie

Warren "Hobie" Hoberman passed away April 12 2024 from natural causes. He was a kind and generous man that loved fishing the west coast for trophy fish. He held many IFGA records in the 70s and won several Los Angeles Rod and Reel Club calico bass tournaments, and at least 2 marlin derbies that i am aware of. He favored light tackle and encouraged me to do the same. He will be remembered, and his spirit lives on in me and my fishing adventures. 

The tides may carry them away, but their stories will echo on every wave.